petals sandcastle
2 min readOct 19, 2023

NOW studios / Express Your Yes — Thurdsay, October 19th


to edit the calendar, use login credentials:
Password: #Flitter108!

  • continue creating a core team / public-facing persona /cohort— getting bios, photos, roles together
  • bills /budget
  • fundraising (givebutter campaign / grants / donors)
  • open/closing NOW 101 (key holders / hosts / submitting events/replying to them)
  • partners / collaborators / contacts
  • ARTivism — (how to get involved locally)
  • walk through an example partnership from initial reach out through completion
  • graphics / fliers

First and foremost we are dedicated to building inclusive, creative, safe environments for non-normative ideas and people to flourish;

We are also dedicated to megaphoning the margins;

hosting events;

& fusing activism with art.

We do this by carving radical creative space for healing, transmutation, connection, resource-sharing, and celebration;

2. hosting free events aimed at getting disparate groups together to dig each others’ groove;

& 3. leveraging love, creativity, movement, play, exploration, meditation, consciousness, and flow to create lasting impacts on our ourselves, each other, and the planet we cohabitate.

Find out more…

Contact List (Partners, potential collaborators, orgs, leads, …)

petals sandcastle

queer painter_poet flappy bird for the love revolution. art. ideas. flow. filosof.e lit'ru.cha.